Thursday, January 28, 2010

Thanks for praying

Great is His faithfulness! God has brought several options to light for us regarding our adoption! We have several options from our agency and that is wonderful. Markets are markets. They are doing a little better today:) We had a friend from our local African yahoo group give us a agecny name for grants. So all these little blessings are wonderful. So thank you for praying. I know that my God is able to do amazingly more than we think or even ask and that is awesome to rest in. Its just amazing how much He cares for us. I pray that you are blessed for taking time to pray for us. -A


  1. You are so loved by your Mother and when you hurt I hurt so just think how much God must be watching over you because He loves you more than I can!! Praying for you! Love Mom

  2. Thanks for your comment on our blog! We have started following several money saving websites this year (so yes please send any you stumble across my way), along with expanding our garden, and working on being filled with faith daily. What a comfort to know that there are others who can !)understand, 2)pray together, 3)do this money awareness thing together. I posted hoping there would be people to hold me (us) accountable and I am so glad you took the time to respond!
